"Do not cringe and make yourself small if you are called the black sheep, the maverick, the lone wolf. Those with slow seeing say a nonconformist is a blight on society. But it has been proven over the centuries, that being different means standing at the edge, means one is practically guaranteed to make an original contribution, a useful and stunning contribution to her culture." (p.212, Women Who Run with Wolves)
The most impressive speakers I have heard and seen are those who care not to impress. Instead of "acting" in their speeches, they dare to be themselves, to be the unique individuals that they are.
There are many "cookie-cutter" styles of speaking. The do's and don'ts so to speak. But few venture to really understand what works for them and what doesn't. I believe that when we speak in public, it should be an extension of our private expressions. Everyone has some very interesting passions that are begging to be shared. More often than not, we want to stand on safe grounds. To seek to fit in. Trying to fit in has deadened or killed many individuals' unique messages or their way of self-expression.
Next time, you stand in front of a group to deliver a speech, make a conscious effort to do something different from the rest. Find at least one unique thing about you that you can share with your audience. It may be a thought, a story, or a way of saying something.
Bring forth something fresh from within you. Dare to let the real you shine through.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Dare to Be Authetic
Thursday, November 27, 2008
From the Soul
"When it comes to the requirements for pleasing an audience, all the knowledge and instruction and apparatus in the world is worth less than one ounce of soul." - Ottawa Keyes
You may have seen the best techniques, gizmos, and eloquence employed by a presenter and something was missing. And you may have experienced listening to a presenter who wasn't totally polished yet left you with a fullness and satisfaction from the time you spent with him.
It is sharing from the S-O-U-L that makes all the difference.
S: Sincerity. Your audience will quickly sense whether you are coming from the heart or just faking it. Psyche yourself up so you deliver a message that you truly believe in and are passionate about. Then, you do not have to feign sincerity, you will be talking from that very essence.
How can I be sincere about presenting a class in PowerPoint? I do get excited about animation, transitions, tips, and tricks. Templates on the web get my blood pumping as well. Nerdy, perhaps! But just taking a little time to find something that you can sincerely be excited about goes a long way in communicating that to your audience.
What if I need to present something that truly runs against my grain? I probably will have to beg off and not take the engagement.
O - U: Only U. You are the only one who can give the message in your own unique way. Discover your own style, your own giftedness. If you try to copy somebody else, you'll only end up second best. But you can always be the best you. Learn from experts and observe good techniques. But find out what makes you special and unique and project that uniqueness in your work.
L: Life, Love, Learning. Share of yourself. This is where soul somes from - your experiences, lessons learned, your passion. Quit trying to impress. The best messages are those that come from being human.
Soul, remember to put a great dose of it in your next presentation. You'll experience an exhiliration, energy, and enthusiasm that will make you love every moment of your session. More important, it will give your audience the best of you that they deserve.
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